Sold: Interventional pain management in Johnson City, Tennessee



Interventional pain management in Johnson City, Tennessee with collections of $3M

Interventional pain management in Johnson City, Tennessee with average collections of $3M+ annually. The practice is in a 6000 sqft modern office building with state-of-the-art equipment. Trained staff willing to stay, and the selling physician will stay during the transition period. Live and work close to nature with steep mountain, rolling hills and valleys surrounding the Appalachian Ridge. Johnson City is just west of the Blue Ridge Mountains with an elevation of over 6000 feet. Financing available for qualified buyer. Priced to sell at $1.25M. For details email or call 877-955-4447

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Practice Information
  • Listing Number:2295

  • Listing Type:Medical Practices

Contact Agent
David Owji

Listing Broker

Call Us : 877-955-4447

Visite Us : Orlando, Florida USA

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