Family medicine practice in Raleigh, North Carolina

3904 Hemsbuury Way,Raleigh, NC. US



Family medicine practice in Raleigh, North Carolina with average collections of $230,000 on only 18 hours per week.

Family medicine practice in Raleigh North Carolina with annual collections of $$230,000 on only 18 hours per week. This practice is located in an upscale and affluent area north of Raleigh, with 6 exam rooms, x-ray machine, and other equipment. This practice has great potential for a full-time physician. The reason for sale is a health issue. Seller motivated! Priced to sell at $187,000. For details email: or call (877)955-4447

property address
  • main address3904 Hemsbuury Way,

  • cityRaleigh

  • stateNorth Carolina

  • zip27614

Practice Information
  • Listing Number:2243

  • Listing Type:Medical Practices

Contact Agent
David Owji

Listing Broker

Call Us : 877-955-4447

Visite Us : Orlando, Florida USA

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