Sold:Family Practice Medicine in Woodland, Colorado



Sold: Family Practice Medicine in Woodland, Colorado with average collections of 1.5MM annually

Sold: Family Practice Medicine in Woodland, Colorado located in the medical office building that is attached to the local hospital. This practice is well known and patient base is still growing by 3-9 new patients a day. Seller will provide transition assistance if desired and trained staff willing to stay with the new doctor. This practice is actually appraised at $ 944,800 with gross collections of 1.5MM It is priced to sell at only $650,000 Owner is highly motivated. For details call (877)955-4447 or email:

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Practice Information
  • Listing Number:2106

  • Listing Type:Medical Practices

Contact Agent
David Owji

Listing Broker

Call Us : 877-955-4447

Visite Us : Orlando, Florida USA

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